Our Lifesaving Impact
Not all dogs and cats have a home, but we sure wish they did.
Sadly, every day across our nation, over 922 healthy and adoptable dogs and cats are killed in shelters simply because they do not have a home. We believe each life is worth saving. Tragically, NC ranks #3 in the nation for pet euthanasia of healthy and adoptable dogs and cats due to overpopulation.
Heidi’s Hope for Homeless Animals is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to saving the lives of homeless dogs and cats and working towards a time when all dogs and cats have good homes. We are an intake prevention organization who helps shelters save more lives. Our programs are aimed at the most vulnerable and those at risk of euthanasia.

We focus on many aspects that attribute to pet overpopulation, including:
Decreasing owner surrenders through our Pet Food Bank by providing pet food to the most food insecure in our community. Our Pet Food Bank keeps pets with their families and out of our shelters.
Increasing save rates of homeless pets by keeping pets at home with their families and out of the shelters. To date, our Pet Food Bank and pet food programs have donated 134,155 pounds of pet food.
Reducing the number of pets who enter the shelters in the future through our mega-adoption event, WoofStock.

Heidi’s Hope For Homeless Animals is having an incredible amount of lifesaving success in our animal advocacy programs. Our innovative programs are expanding to meet the ongoing needs in our community and beyond. But our work is not done. We are committed to working towards a time when shelters are empty and there are no more homeless pets longing for a home. We need your support to save more lives!

- Best Friends Animal Society: Network Partner
- Candid: Gold Transparency 2023
- Candid: Gold Transparency 2022
- Candid: Gold Transparency 2021
- GreatNonprofits: Top-Rated 2023
- GreatNonprofits: Top-Rated 2022
- GreatNonprofits: Top-Rated 2021
- Fix A Friend: Donor

Animal Advocacy Recognition
- Donated Pet Oxygen Masks to Carolina Beach Fire Department in case of emergency
- Recognized by Best Friends Animal Society for animal advocacy. Listed in Best Friends Animal Society’s 2017 Annual Impact Report as Champion Level (two spaces down from Jennifer Aniston)
- Heidi’s Hope for Homeless Animals, Inc. was invited to become a Best Friends Animal Society Network Partner.
- Steering Committee Member for North Carolina Best Friends Animal Society.
- Founder of Heidi’s Hope for Homeless Animals, Inc., a North Carolina 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps save the lives of homeless dogs and cats in our community.
- Pet Food Donation drive to benefit Hurricane Matthew flood victims that has raised over $5,600 in pet food; donated dog houses; crates; blankets; medical supplies, etc. to help flood victims who have lost everything in flood.

- Event founder, 2016 Wrightsville Beach Rescue Calendar, to benefit local animal rescue groups.
- Ongoing pet food donation drive to help animal rescue groups.
- Donated Pet Oxygen Masks to Wrightsville Beach Fire Department in case of emergency.
- Coordinated annual Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis Day.
- Active participant in North Carolina Humane Society Lobby Day to promote puppy mill laws.
- Guest speaker and presenter of, “Merciful Treatment of God’s Creatures” at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church for St. Francis Day.
- Promoted Pet Food Donation for homeless dogs and cats for New Hanover County Humane Society.