Our Leadership

In 2015 three women—longtime friends and business associates—with a passion for helping animals in need came together to make a difference for the homeless dogs and cats dying from pet overpopulation.

From those first, few heart-wrenching, yet hopeful, meetings, these women instinctively knew that they would dedicate themselves to work towards a time when all dogs and cats have good homes. They launched their animal advocacy nonprofit, Heidi’s Hope for Homeless Animals, Inc. where they envisioned a time where there are no healthy dogs or cats dying due to lack of time. They imagined a time when all the dogs and cats, who were just sitting in shelters waiting, find their for their forever homes and began working towards this lifesaving goal.

Trish Arnold

Trish Arnold

Founder & CEO

Trish Arnold, Founder and CEO, is a devoted animal advocate who has a deep-rooted passion for saving the lives of homeless and abused dogs and cats. In 2009, she founded our annual animal rescue fundraising event, The Bow Wow Luau & The Cat’s Meow® that has raised and donated over $70,000.00 to save the lives of homeless dogs and cats who are running out of time. ​

In 2016, she founded Heidi’s Hope for Homeless Animals, Inc. to honor her beloved dog who was by her side almost for over 17 years. Since then, she and her adopted dog, Cooper, have expanded Heidi’s Hope to include our Pet Food Bank; a mega-pet adoption event, WoofStock. When Trish is not working full-time as an HR Sales Executive, she dedicates her time to saving the lives of homeless and abused dogs and cats.

Reine Blackwell-Moore

Reine Blackwell-Moore

Executive Vice President & CFO

Reine Blackwell-Moore is the Executive Vice President and CFO of Heidi’s Hope. A native of N.C., Reine relocated to the DC area years ago to work in the Law Department Litigation Group of a Fortune 100 Hotel company. She and her husband Rick, and their rescue dog, Woodstock, reside in the suburbs of DC. Their two adult children and grandchild, also live in the DC area.

Throughout the years, they have had a variety of pets and participated in charitable events for animal advocacy. Reine and the founder of Heidi’s Hope, Trish Arnold, have maintained a close and best friend relationship since junior high school. Although they are several states apart and they both have full-time careers, their focus on pet adoption is still at the forefront of their campaign to save pet lives and find them a loving home. They have worked together during their friendship to save the lives of homeless dogs and cats!

Stephanie Steinman

Stephanie Steinman

Chief Executive Director

Stephanie Steinman, Chief Development Officer and Administrator is an animal lover who has always advocated for pet adoption, by promoting, adopt don’t shop. Her four golden retrievers were all rescues. As a former 2nd grade teacher, Stephanie had a classroom pet hamster and believes that children benefit from caring for a pet as well as the love and comfort they receive.

Stephanie and the founder of Heidi’s Hope, Trish Arnold, worked together many years ago and always discussed animal advocacy. Stephanie believes that, Heidi’s Hope For Homeless Animals, with its many fundraising projects, is one of the best ways to help homeless dogs and cats and now seniors in need of help feeding their pets. Stephanie has volunteered in many animal welfare organizations and is proud to be a board member for Heidi’s Hope.

Dianne Adjan Logan

Dianne Adjan Logan

Food Bank Coordinator

Dianne is a North Carolina Registered Veterinary Technician and a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner through the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine rehabilitation certificate program. Her professional experience with animals includes working with both large and small animal practices with an emphasis on alternative treatments. She founded the Wilmington Animal Fitness and Rehabilitation Center at Needham Animal Hospital in 2011 and has been recognized as a “pioneer” in laser therapy for her work with exotic animals. Dianne has twice been published for her photobiomodulation work with lasers.

Before retiring, Dianne had the privilege of meeting Trish Arnold who brought her dog, Heidi, to the rehab center for treatment. Trish has long stated that rehab was Heidi’s “fountain of youth” in enabling Heidi more comfort and mobility in her later years. Dianne and her husband, Bill, have a hobby farm in New Hanover County and enjoy their dog, donkeys and chickens.

Cooper Arnold

Cooper Arnold

Chief Canine Officer

As a previous rescue dog, Cooper is proud to be the CCO, Chief Canine Officer, of Heidi’s Hope for Homeless Animals, Inc. He welcomes being a voice for the voiceless. Before his Mom, Trish, adopted him, his adoption ad read, “Will be euthanized if not adopted soon… Time running out…”

At the time of Cooper’s ad, Trish was finally ready to adopt a dog after losing Heidi, who had been by her side for 17 years. She wasn’t looking for a specific breed, only to adopt a dog that was otherwise might not be adopted. When she read that Cooper was going to be euthanized, and saw the remarkable resemblance to Heidi, she knew this was a match that was meant to be. She adopted Cooper, and as with most rescue dogs, he had some behavior issues to overcome, but with training, patience, time and treats (his favorite!), Cooper has come a long way!

Cooper is very honored and proud to be the CCO, Chief Canine Officer, of Heidi’s Hope For Homeless Animals, Inc. Although he is living the good life now, he will always remember his past and how his fate could have been very different. He vows to always work on behalf of his fellow dogs and cats who need a second chance in life!